Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements are meant to ensure that students are able to complete their academic program in a timely manner through achieving minimum academic standards.

We are required to evaluate students based on three standards; GPA, Pace of Progression, and Maximum Time Frame.

In an age of increasing accountability for the use of federal, state, and institutional student aid funds, institutions of higher education and their students must demonstrate that financial aid funds are being used to assist students in efficiently completing their academic goals.

While the University of West Georgia maintains an academic progress policy for the determination of a student’s continued academic eligibility for enrollment purposes, the Satisfactory Academic Progress policy for Financial Aid purposes may be more stringent in some components in order to maintain compliance with Federal Student Aid regulations (34 CFR 668.34).

Steps to View your Current Status

  • Visit the 在线博彩 OneLogin portal and log in using your 在线博彩 username and password
  • Search for “Banweb”
  • Select “Student Services and Financial Aid”
  • Select “Financial Aid”
  • Select “Satisfactory Academic Progress”

Note: If you are a graduate-level student (M.Ed, MBA, MA, etc) that has pursued a previous graduate degree at 在线博彩, please contact us for your current program-specific GPA, Pace of Progression, and Attempted Hours.*

Click Here to Appeal

A student who has been placed on FA Suspension or Maximum Time Frame may appeal the SAP status decision only in cases of extenuating circumstances. Examples of extenuating circumstances for which a student may file a SAP Appeal may include a student's injury or illness, serious illness or death of an immediate family member, or other special circumstances. Each SAP Appeal will be reviewed individually and decisions are made on a case-by-case basis as outlined in the procedures given below.

The SAP Appeal process requires the submission of a written statement by the student outlining the extenuating circumstances which led to their academic difficulties, how the circumstances have changed, and the student's plan for improving their academic status. The statement must be submitted via the Financial Aid section of a student's OneLogin account and must specifically address the courses, grades, and terms of enrollment which are affecting the insufficient SAP standing. The statement should be written in a scholarly manner, including correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. The appeal must be accompanied by supporting documentation from at least two individuals who can corroborate the student's circumstances, which is to be uploaded via OneLogin. If the documentation is provided by a professional (business, medical, counselor, clergy, etc.), the documentation must include the institution's professional letterhead, the professional's credentials, and must be signed.

SAP appeals will be reviewed by a 在线博彩 committee comprised of F.A. staff. A student who wishes to appeal the decision of the SAP Appeal Committee may submit a request for a review by the 2nd Appeal Committee. Any further request for appeal will be sent to the Director of Financial Aid. The decision of the Director of Financial Aid is final.

If a student's SAP appeal is granted by either the SAP Appeal Committee, 2nd Appeal Committee, or the Director of Financial Aid, the student will gain eligibility for continued federal, state, or institutional financial aid eligibility for one semester only. The student and a representative from the Financial Aid Office will work cooperatively with the student's academic advisor and the Center for Academic Success to put together an academic success plan that will be monitored throughout the semester to be sure the student is making proper academic progress. In cases where it is mathematically impossible to bring the GPA or Pace of Progression ratio to required standards within one semester, the academic plan may be developed across multiple semesters, but it will be evaluated at the conclusion of each semester to be certain that the requirements at each checkpoint are being properly achieved by the student. *Please note that students are limited to 3 granted appeals*

If a student's SAP appeal is denied by either the SAP Appeal Committee, 2nd Appeal Committee, or the Director of Financial Aid, the student will not be eligible for federal, state or institutional financial aid until the student improves the GPA and Pace of Progression ratio to required standards.

Click Here to Appeal

The deadline to submit a SAP appeal application is 10 business days after the final payment deadline for the applicable semester. Fee Payment Deadlines

SAP Appeal Deadlines  
Fall 202109/01/2021
Spring 202202/01/2022 (Please submit appeals no later than 01/07/2022 for review prior to the 01/18/2022 Fee Payment Deadline)
Summer 2022TBD
  • Summer SAP appeal deadline will be 10 business days after the Session II Payment deadline
  • If the appeal is submitted after the 10 business day deadline it will be reviewed for the next semester.
  • Please allow 5-7 business days for review of submitted appeals.
    Instructions for Submitting an Appeal (PDF, 339K)
  • Satisfactory – Student is meeting the GPA, Pace of Progression, and Maximum Time Frame requirements. Student is eligible to continue receiving federal, state, and institutional financial aid.
  • Warning – Student is not meeting either the GPA or Pace of Progression requirements (or both). Student is eligible to continue receiving federal, state, and institutional financial aid for one semester only. Continued eligibility beyond the warning semester will be contingent on the student bringing the deficient requirements to the required minimum standards. *Please note: when exceeding the maximum time frame for your degree you will not receive a warning term*
  • Suspension – Student is not meeting either the GPA or Pace of Progression requirements (or both) after a Warning semester. Student is not eligible to continue receiving federal, state, and institutional financial aid until the deficient requirements return to the required minimum standards.
  • Maximum Time Frame Warning – Please note: when exceeding the maximum time frame for your degree you will not receive a warning term.
  • Maximum Time Frame – Student has exceeded the number of attempted hours for the academic program. Student has exhausted all eligibility to continue receiving federal, state, and institutional financial aid.
  • FA Probation – Student placed on FA Suspension or Maximum Time Frame provided an SAP Appeal which was approved by 在线博彩 review procedures. Student must complete the requirements of an academic plan which will be monitored by the Financial Aid Office in conjunction with other academic support offices. Student is eligible to continue receiving federal, state, and institutional financial aid for one semester only in coordination with the details of the academic plan. The student’s continued eligibility beyond the probation semester will be determined at the conclusion of each semester in coordination with the details of the academic plan.

In some instances, a student can be on both Financial Aid suspension or warning and on an Academic warning, probation, or suspension. Although Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress and Academic Standards of Progress are based on coursework, the requirements necessary to satisfy the suspension, probation, or warning differ. For more information about the Academic Standards of Progress, please visit our Academic Standards of Progress page.

If you have received an email from the Financial Aid Office directing you to this page, the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress information can be found below.

Unless otherwise noted, the SAP requirements as stated apply to all students regardless of the student’s receipt of financial aid funds, the student’s academic classification as an undergraduate or graduate student, or the student’s academic program. Exceptions (as noted below) will include but are not limited to the minimum GPA requirement and maximum time frame hours for graduate students.
The 在线博彩 Financial Aid Office will evaluate all students’ Satisfactory Academic Progress status at the conclusion of each term of enrollment. At 在线博彩, the term of enrollment is the semester. Students enrolled in summer semester will be evaluated for SAP at the conclusion of the summer semester.
At each SAP evaluation period, the student's SAP status will be recorded in Banweb. Students who are placed on FA Probation, FA Suspension, or Maximum Time Frame will be notified via email to their 在线博彩 email account. Students who are placed on FA Warning will be notified via email to their 在线博彩 email account. All notifications will occur within 3 weeks of the conclusion of the semester against which SAP is evaluated.
Grade changes that occur after a SAP evaluation has already occurred will be included in the next scheduled evaluation; prior evaluation(s) will not be reassessed.
These Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress standards do not consider an Academic Renewal GPA. If a student is granted academic renewal, a separate GPA calculation will be performed. The Federal Student Aid program regulations make no provision for the concept of academic amnesty or academic renewal. Therefore, a school must always include all courses (whenever taken) in evaluating a student’s satisfactory academic progress (both quantitative and qualitative components).

If you decide not to appeal, or if your appeal is not approved, you are welcome to explore a few of the alternative options below to cover costs.

  • You may want to consider the payment plan option. The University of West Georgia is partnered with Nelnet Business Solutions (NBS) to allow students to pay tuition and fees in installments, helping make college more affordable. The Nelnet payment plan is a flexible payment option that allows payments with either credit/debit card, or automatic withdrawal from a checking or savings account. The payment plan is not a loan, and has no credit checks, interest, or finance charges associated with this option. This plan can cover any tuition, student fees, meal plan, and on-campus housing charges up to $4,500.00. Click here for more information: Nelnet Payment Plan
  • You may want to consider exploring funding from private lenders. Below, we have included the link to our webpage which contains more information about some of the most common private lenders that our students have chosen in the past. Please keep in mind, these options are not guaranteed, and may be contingent on information we're unaware of (such as credit history, for example). Furthermore, you'll want to ensure that the lender you choose will lend to students on financial aid suspension. You also may explore private lenders outside the scope of what we’ve provided on our website, as this is simply a sampling of what lenders students have used in the past. Learn more information on our Private Student Loans page.


Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards

Undergraduate students: will be evaluated each semester on the basis of cumulative institutional GPA and the total number of hours attempted. Hours transferred will be included in determining the total hours attempted; however, the cumulative GPA will be computed only on the work completed at 在线博彩 (institutional GPA). The cumulative GPA required to maintain SAP for the total number of hours attempted is shown in the chart below:

Undergraduate GPA Requirements  
Overall Attempted HoursGPA Required
0 – 30 attempted hours1.8 minimum institutional GPA
31 – 60 attempted hours1.9 minimum institutional GPA
61 attempted hours or more2.0 minimum institutional GPA

GPA Calculation Basics

  • Transfer credits will not be included in the quality points or GPA hours. The GPA standard is based on 在线博彩 credits only.
  • Incomplete courses taken at 在线博彩 will be excluded from the GPA calculation.
  • Grades of W will be excluded from the GPA calculation (not from the pace of progression requirement; see next section)
  • For courses which are repeated at 在线博彩, the last attempt will count in the GPA calculation.

Forecast Your GPA

This section is for students that have already received a Bachelor's Degree and are now pursuing a graduate-level degree.

Graduate students: will be evaluated each semester on the basis of their cumulative institutional GPA.

GPA Requirement | Graduate Students  
Overall Attempted HoursGPA Required
All hours3.0

GPA Calculation Basics

  • Transfer credits will not be included in the quality points or GPA hours. The GPA standard is based on 在线博彩 credits only.
  • Incomplete courses taken at 在线博彩 will be excluded from the GPA calculation.
  • Grades of W will be excluded from the GPA calculation (not from the pace of progression requirement; see next section)

Forecast Your GPA

Pace of Progression is the number of overall credits passed in relation to those attempted. All students must complete at least 66.66 percent of all courses. The completion ratio is measured by dividing total hours passed by total hours attempted. The calculation for transfer students differs. Both calculations can be determined by using the Pace of Progression Calculator. Grades of F, W, WF, I, or U do not count as passing grades.

  • Transfer credits accepted toward the student’s 在线博彩 academic program will count as both earned and attempted hours in the calculation of the pace of progression ratio.

Calculate your Pace of Progression

A student must complete their degree requirements within a specific number of attempted credit hours (150% of the published degree length). For most undergraduate students, 150% is 180 attempted credit hours. Please see the exceptions below:

  • A student who is pursuing two majors or a major with minor(s) is still subject to the Maximum Time Frame limitations.
  • An undergraduate student who is pursuing two different undergraduate degrees at the University of West Georgia (concurrently or separately) will be granted an extension up to 240 attempted credit hours. No extension of maximum attempted hours is permitted for more than two undergraduate degrees.
  • A master's degree student who is pursuing an additional master's degree (concurrently or separately) will be granted an extension of 40 attempted hours above the first master's degree requirement. No extension of maximum attempted hours is permitted for more than two master's degrees.
  • Graduate students pursuing degrees above a master's degree will only be permitted to attempt 150% of their published program length. 
  • Please note: when exceeding the maximum time frame for your degree you will not receive a warning term